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22 June 2006 


Sen. Carl Levin

“As long, to give, that is what, our, that side, we, we, it is not, there is not, the end of the year, that’s what they say, in this, said, will help, troops, eyes, a way, planning to do, no matter, I am one of them, thanks. I hope”

Sen. Harry Reid

“Thank you, right, wrong, people, quote, today, I , time, facts, troops, hope, stood, much, great price, long, WW2, my state, lost, as well, 70%, mission, not, change, not, you need, by years end, ring, in fact, from, cost, pays, ongoing,”

Dude they are killing me. My head hurts.

Nick at night for me. Much love and hopes for a good day for all.

“I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy”

Take it slow and keep your head up. That way you can see the bullshit coming.
And don’t waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren’t. So there!