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25 May 2008 

Memorial Day

From the Watchman:

The day most Americans take off. Another 3 day weekend, for me it is day to reflect.

Reflect you say?


Reflect. This is one of the few days that when I wake up (Okay after coffee and a few smokes, but that’s just me, slow not stupid). I find a quiet place and pray to my God, (you can pick yours). And thank him/her/or what ever my God is for the day, yes I change Gods to suit me, for the ultimate sacrifice that those that have came before me and gave so much. I mean come on, you could look the numbers up (I could too, but I don’t like them numbers).

Okay, war is hell, People die. But they died for a reason. You do not have to agree with the reason but you should RESPECT the fact that they did. I mean how PLOPN” hard is it for some people to respect the fact that someone would give their life for their country?

On this day. Do me and those that have done their all, and asked nothing from you. Say a pray to your God. And thank them.


Thats it

Off my box now 10/4 over have a beer and take nap.

"I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy"

And don't waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren't. So there!