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20 September 2008 

I go for smoke now

OK plans. I have them, yes sir and by God I do. But I always hear “Michael come here”. What up with that? My name is Joe. So I was thunkinding, what if I could come up with a smart idea to solve the gas problem. As an American I have some responsibility for this, right? So me and “Sir Psycho Duffis Bob” went out on a walk about. Yes Bob does mind some times. Anyways we, was a walking and Bob found, how do I say this nice? Puppy left over stuff. He looked at me and said this stinks. I looked at him and said its puppy shit. He was like I do not like it get ride of it. My mind went in to over drive, dude there is money in puppy shit. So here is my plan:

Collect all puppy shit.

Send it to Washington DC address it to who you want.

Send me A dollar two ninety eight.

Sit back and wait.

Watch the money come in.

Not much of a plan but you got a better one?

"I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy"

And don't waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren't. So there!