Associated Press
May 10, 2006, 8:00 AM EDT
The immigrants (ILLEGAL ONES) had been on their way to build a dairy farm in this town about an hour southwest of
Beginning Wednesday, more illegal immigrants (3rd PARAGRAPH BEFORE THEY SAY IT) coming through
A 250-member posse (IT’S A TASK FORCE) force that will operate similarly to the anti-smuggler task force will patrol the area for illegal immigrants who pay smugglers to cross through Arizona, the busiest illegal entry point along the 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border.
The posse (IT’S A TASK FORCE) will be made up of existing sheriff's deputies and members of the department's 3,000-member posse reserve of trained, unpaid volunteers (REAL FUCKN” AMERICANS).
The four illegal immigrants pulled over Monday will be turned over to
The law made human smuggling a state crime in
Thomas maintains illegal immigrants who pay smugglers to enter the
The sheriff's office began arresting illegal immigrants under that interpretation in March, and with the new posse (IT’S A TASK FORCE), will continue doing so by patrolling desert areas and main roadways in the southwestern part of the county.
"I'm going to catch as many as I can and throw them in my jail," said Sheriff Joe Arpaio (A REAL FUCKN” AMERICAN) "And the jails are not that nice."
It remains to be seen whether a judge will uphold the smuggling law as applicable to illegal immigrants. Lawyers for some arrested illegal immigrants have filed motions to have the charges dismissed.
Arpaio said the motions don't worry him.
"I get sued when I go to the toilet. (THAT’S BAD DUDE, THAT’S REALLY BAD) You think I'm worried about it?" he said. "If they think I'm going to slow down because of these threats, I've got news for them -- I'm not going to slow down. I'll do more of it."
Alfredo Gutierrez, a Hispanic activist and former Democratic state senator (NOT GOING TO SAY IT), called Thomas' interpretation of the law and Arpaio's use of it "political pranks."
"Every act like this contributes to the angst and anger and desperation in our community," (WHAT THE ILLEGALL IMIGRANT COMMUNITY) Gutierrez said.
Elias Bermudez, president of the pro-immigrant group Immigrants Sin Fronteras, or Immigrants Without Borders (SORRY I DON’T SPEAK SPANISH GUYS), questions the legality of the immigration posse (IT’S A TASK FORCE),itself.
"It is racial profiling," (HERE WE GO AGAIN THE GOOD OLD RACE CARD) he said. "They don't follow guys that are blond and blue-eyed."
Bermudez said Arpaio is "a good criminal sheriff, but he needs to go out there and find criminals. He wants to go after the poor, undocumented immigrant (ILLEGAL ONES) who is hungry and thirsty in the desert (THEY SHOULD HAVE STAIED FUCKN’ HOME THEN). That is totally inhumane." (IT’S THE LAW NOW ASS HATS).
“I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy”
Take it slow and keep your head up. That way you can see the bullshit coming.
And don’t waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren’t. So there!