I always wanted to try this
How dare he, I mean really how dare he walk the ground of New Orleans. It shows his arrogance, yes I am speaking of King Bush. He and his evil doing minions killed millions, millions I tell you. Don’t believe what the news told you. Millions died because King Bush and company wanted to make money off their dead souls. He made Hurricane Katrina and sent it to New Orleans. It’s all in their plan to rule the world. Yes I have said it, now you need to believe it. Cuzz I said so.
So was that a good impression of a pinko, commie, leftist, Democrat?
Me thinks so, shit that hurt, quit it already. K?
“I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy”
Take it slow and keep your head up. That way you can see the bullshit coming.
And don’t waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren’t. So there!
So was that a good impression of a pinko, commie, leftist, Democrat?
Me thinks so, shit that hurt, quit it already. K?
“I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy”
Take it slow and keep your head up. That way you can see the bullshit coming.
And don’t waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren’t. So there!