28 January 2009 

Wednesday Hero

This Weeks Post Was Suggested And Written By Cynthia

Sgt James E. Craig
Sgt James E. Craig
27 years old from Hollywood, South Carolina
1st Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division
January 28, 2008
U.S. Army

James, 27, was killed on January 28, 2008, in Mosul, Iraq, along with four other soldiers when the unit encountered an IED, followed by an ambush from a nearby Mosque. It has been a year since James was killed. I miss him each day.

James was on his third deployment to Iraq. There are so many things about James that I admired. He was 'loud' and funny and articulate and sweet - even calling himself 'Sweet Soldier' - and brave and tough. He was a devout Christian and more comfortable with telling people he was than anyone I ever knew - he had a enviable, easy comfort with this faith. It would be so easy to write and write about James, but let me share some portions of his letters - his long and articulate letters.

"...I am very much looking forward to this war being over. However, I fully support everything that is going on over here ever since I saw first hand what the real situation was. Our media doesn't portray the truth of this operation or the necessity to the people here. They need freedom and desperately cry out for someone to help them. ... I know one thing, God wants me here."

"The war here is stating to come to an end. It will be a slow transition period where the responsibility of the battle space is handed over to the growing Iraqi Army. It all depends on the Iraqis if we are able to leave them with it safely."

"...it is a tale of my wonderful journey where I made memories I will never forget and stood up for something that I believe in...that sweet taste of freedom when the day is done and the knowledge that I have done something to ensure the positive future of my loved ones. And, you should know that it comforts me the most that what I do protects wonderful people like you."

To read more about Sgt James Craig, go here.

These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived

This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
Wednesday Hero Logo

"I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy"

And don't waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren't. So there!

24 January 2009 

And for the French, cause they like $uck

Tempête. La pire depuis dix ans
Le Télégramme - Il y a 22 minutes
La plus forte tempête depuis 1999 a frappé, hier, le sud-ouest de la France et le nord-est de l'Espagne. Au moins 15 personnes ont trouvé la mort, le plus souvent provoquée par la chute d'arbres et d'ouvrages. Hier soir, 1,3million de foyers restaient ...

Watch out for them poodle's dudes, I know run hide, run hide....................

"I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy"

And don't waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren't. So there!


What the heck I don't care you figure it out......

Ψάχνει συνομιλητές στον διάλογο για την Παιδεία
Ελευθεροτυπία - Πριν από 17 ώρες
Σε αναζήτηση συμμαχιών προς εξεύρεση λύσεων στον ταραγμένο χώρο της εκπαίδευσης προέβη χθες από του βήματος της Βουλής ο πρωθυπουργός Κ. Καραμανλής, κηρύσσοντας στην ουσία την έναρξη του εθνικού διαλόγου για την παιδεία. Το ΠΑΣΟΚ είπε μεν ναι στην ...

Thinking it might not be good news....

"I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy"

And don't waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren't. So there!


Obama Takes Stimulus to the People

President Promises Accountability on Nearly $1 Trillion Package

Martha the 2X4 wait that's not going to work any more. Sorry girl go get me a 4x4 with nails.

Money quote:

"The average president doesn't get nearly a trillion dollars of new money to spend in a whole term. Obama's going to get it in the first month or so of his presidency."

You all still do not see a problem with this picture?

"I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy"

And don't waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren't. So there!


Pick your ass up off the floor and, stop laughing already

Jolie, Pitt to rent Lloyd Neck home

Now how the hell am I going to sleep tonight ?

I mean come on guys, wait I thought I was reading the news, Sorry it was AP.

My bag go back to sleep.

"I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy"

And don't waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren't. So there!


And the French get their ass kicked again

Clinically Depressed Poodle Mauls Former French President Chirac

What a bunch of…………….. Wimps comes to mind

I mean a freaking poodle!!!!!!!!!!!

"I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy"

And don't waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren't. So there!

21 January 2009 

Wednesday Hero

This Weeks Post Was Suggested By Cindy

Petty Officer 2nd Class Mike A. Monsoor
Petty Officer 2nd Class Mike A. Monsoor
29 years old from Garden Grove, California
September 29, 2006
U.S. Navy

In April 2008, Michael Monsoor (who had already been posthumously awarded the Silver Star for his actions in a May 9, 2006 incident, when he and another SEAL pulled a wounded team member to safety amidst gunfire) was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. His funeral, attended, in the words of President Bush, by "nearly every SEAL on the West Coast," was held on October 12, 2006 at Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery in San Diego. During Monsoor's funeral service, as the casket was taken from the hearse to the gravesite, fellow SEALs lined up in two columns to slap and embed the gold Tridents (a pin awarded for successful completion of SEAL Qualification Training) from their uniforms onto the top of Monsoor's coffin.

Petty Officer 2nd Class Mike A. Monsoor's Summary Of Action.

"The procession went on nearly half an hour, and when it was all over, the simple wooden coffin had become a gold-plated memorial to a hero who will never be forgotten." - President George W. Bush

These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived

This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
Wednesday Hero Logo

"I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy"

And don't waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren't. So there!

18 January 2009 

To F'in good

Why, Why, Why............

Why do banks charge a fee on 'insufficient funds' when they already know there is not enough money?

Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?

Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white?

Is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale?

Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat will have materialized?

Why do people keep running over a string a dozen times with their vacuum cleaner, then reach down, pick it up, examine it, then put it down to give the vacuum one more chance?

Why is it that no plastic bag will open from the end on your first try?

How do those dead bugs get into those enclosed light fixtures?

Why is it that whenever you attempt to catch something that's falling off the table you always manage to knock something else over?

In winter why do we try to keep the house as warm as it was in summer when we complained about the heat?

How come you never hear father-in-law jokes?

Thanks Theo I had a really good piss your pants fall on the floor time with this one.

"I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy"

And don't waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren't. So there!


Dude what up with the Blue?

I don't know OK..............

"I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy"

And don't waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren't. So there!

14 January 2009 

Wednesday Hero

This Weeks Post Was Suggested By Deb

Capt. Ed Freeman
Capt. Ed Freeman
Company A, 229th Assault Helicopter Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile)
U.S. Army

While reading the info on Cpt. Freeman, I found that I couldn't have put it better than this.

These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived

This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
Wednesday Hero Logo

"I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy"

And don't waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren't. So there!

07 January 2009 

Wednesday Hero

Airman Melissa Pyle
Airman Melissa Pyle
U.S. Navy

Aviation Boatswain's Mate (Equipment) Airman Melissa Pyle mans a jet blast deflector station on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) in the Gulf Of Oman. Theodore Roosevelt and embarked Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 8 are deployed to the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility.

These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Have Every Right To Dream Heroic Dreams. Those Who Say That We're In A Time When There Are No Heroes, They Just Don't Know Where To Look

This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
Wednesday Hero Logo

"I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy"

And don't waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren't. So there!

04 January 2009 

Education under Arne Duncan Barack Obama's choice for education secretary

This is very scary my friends

"Obama chose Arne Duncan for a reason, and part of that reason is the experimentation that Duncan has done in Chicago and his real attention to data and outcomes," said Elliot Weinbaum, assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania's Graduate School of Education. "Duncan's willing to try new things and see if they work, hopefully keep the ones that do, and drop the ones that don't. I expect that experimentation to continue on a national scale."

Oh there is that HOPE thing we need to believe in, sorry forgot to take the green pill today.

Officials are also offering some students cash for good grades and seeking proposals for boarding schools. In addition, Duncan backed a plan to start a gay-friendly high school.

Good God now they are giving kids our money to do what they should do. My parents use to give me a nickel for an A. Why should I pay for some else’s kid to do the same?

At the National Teachers Academy, another Chicago school, Erin Koehler Smith did a better job teaching fourth-graders to estimate centimeters and meters with help from a mentor.

Estimate? Sound like a guess to me.

Teachers, worried about the safety of neighborhood parks, agreed to work an extra 20 minutes each day to ensure that the children have recess and to maximize class time.

Okay lost on this one. Working overtime to give kids recess maximizes class size how?

Entire staffs get bonuses when state test scores rise. Slightly more than 50 percent of students passed the latest state reading exam, but the trend is up. The gains meant about a $1,000 bonus for most teachers, about $250 for janitors, and $625 for the principal.

I think I am going to become a janitor, hell get a bonus for doing your job.

"I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy"

And don't waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren't. So there!


Breakin inportant news a must read

5,000 port-a-potties prepared for Barack Obama's historic inauguration

Now back to what ever it was you where doing.

"I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy"

And don't waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren't. So there!

01 January 2009 

Way to cool

Thanks to who ever I Ripped this off from. Let me know who you are and I shall walk on glass for you. But it is way to cool a picture. Again thanks

"I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy"

And don't waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren't. So there!

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