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25 April 2006 

The Dog and Pony show continues

U.S. Arrests 183 Fugitives, Illegal Immigrants
Posted April 24, 2006 at 01:06 PM

From The Associated Press

MIAMI - Federal immigration authorities arrested 183 fugitives and other illegal immigrants across Florida last week, the largest total ever in a single week in the state, officials said Monday.

You got to be kidding me. Guess those "ICE" guys are still wearing them there blinders.

Those arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement included convicted people convicted of sex offenses, child abuse, cocaine trafficking and weapons violations. They were originally from 26 countries and most will eventually be deported back to those countries.

Let me get this right. They where convicted of crimes and they where out on the street?

“Anybody who is a fugitive from justice is a danger to the community,’’ said Michael Rozos, the field director in Miami of ICE’s “Operation Phoenix’’ effort to find and deport fugitive illegal immigrants. “These operations have been going on for years, but they have become more focused.’’

Don't know where to start with that. "A fugitive is a danger" Did you guys just now get the memo on that. But come on years and now you become more focused. What the hell took you so long.

Of the 183, 130 were fugitives who had already been ordered deported by an immigration judge. The remaining 53 were also illegal immigrants who happened to be present when one or more of the fugitives were taken into custody, Rozos said.

Okay now I am totally lost. They have been ordered deported, WHY WERNT THEY DEPORTED.

The fugitive operation is separate from another ICE-led crackdown on employers who hire and harbor illegal immigrants. But Rozos said both are part of the Secure Border Initiative, a Homeland Security Department plan intended to beef up enforcement of existing immigration laws inside the U.S. and toughen border security.

Beff up existing laws (Pull my other leg). What took so long to enforce existing laws?

Ninety-five of those arrested were in South Florida, with 35 arrested in Tampa, 30 in Jacksonville and 23 in Orlando, according to ICE

We will see but, I think it is just a "Dog and Pony Show" Give it a month and ICE will be back to "NOT DOING A DAMN THING" And don’t waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren’t. So there!

“I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy”