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23 April 2007 

The great build up to 'Day Without an Immigrant 2

First I bet you see more American flags, you think. That bullshit did not help them last year, and the MSM could care less anyway, so who knows.

Bill De La Fuente, who founded a North County-based Latino Merchants Association, said he supported last year's protest, but he is not sure he will again this year."I think we've got to get smart and use different tactics," De La Fuente said.

Let’s start with the one that is as plain as the nose on you face dude. Call it what it is

'Day Without an Illegal Immigrant 2'

Then let’s not say PLOPN” stupid shit like

Gutierrez called on people living on other countries to not buy American products and to not cross the U.S.- Mexico border on May 1st to make purchases.


Wait that makes to much sense. I could go on and on but this year will be like last the MSM will make us look like the bad guy and the illegals as victim. But do you think they will call them what they are? Nope new catch phrase to cover that fact they are PLOPN’ ILLEGAL.

So we shall see.

"I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy"

And don't waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren't. So there!

You're a complete idiot... maybe not a racist, but an idiot:

"Wait that makes to much sense"

"cause I aren't."

You can't even write properly - What are you doing blogging?

Read Disclaimer. Then have a great day. Thanks for the comment.

Forgot it's at the bottom of the blogy page thingie.

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