You have got to be kidding me..
Turn out the lights at Earth Hour Saturday
"I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy"
And don't waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren't. So there!
No comment, just putting it out. Make up your own mind. K
That did not last long. A sad day. Why do we all have to give in to a select group of people?
Google Video version.
"I'll retract the rape complaint from the wombat, because he's pulled out."
"Apart from speaking Australian now, I'm pretty all right you know, I didn't hurt my bum at all,"
Not sure I want to go to the land down under now.Not sure he will be right in the head when he gets back. Hell he was not right in the head before he went. God bless dude.
Oh and also check out My first introduction to Lee
"I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy"
And don't waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren't. So there!
I have lost 2 house's because life is not fair. Did I cry, bet your a$$ I did. Did I ask you to bail my a$$ out no. Suck it up, enbrace the suck, and get over it.
And his Paulistas are, NUTS.....
Every vote counts, NOT
But someone might care.
"I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy"
And don't waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren't. So there!
I have to say I agree with Subsunk on this one.
Check it out, or not...
If not your a DOLT!
"I am on the dirt frontage road to the internet thingy"
And don't waste my time calling me a racist, cause I aren't. So there!
Worth it, for me, yes. Loss of life sucks. Anyone who says “I will pull all troops out” is a PLOPN’ A$$ HAT. But that is just me. As the Pink “O” commie’s will tell you we need to give up on this fight. I say POLP em, if we give this one away like Vietnam we are “TOTAL PLOPED”. So take your wusssy a$$ home and shut up.
Your day was not going to get any better? Happens a lot to me. I wake up and get the big cup of the “get up and go drink”. Then it all goes down hill from there.
Suck’s to be me
Okay, I don’t like any one running for the big job. So what is my choice? Not vote, move to Italy? Nope the cracker has a new plan.
Drink more Bud Light.
Work’s for me
Did you know ifn’ you have a fence in your front yard, a neighbor can through a tennis ball at it, and have 3 pit bull’s follow the ball. And it’s your entire fault because you have a fence in your front yard. I did not, so now I don’t have a fence in the front yard. Go figure…..
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Hillary Clinton
She kills me, I mean her voice is enough to make you want to kill Bill. She say’s she has done thing’s but all I see is a big mouth, and a dumb liberal B!$@H. Just me, but I do not like her, never have never will.
Were to start on this looser, as far as I can tell he has not done S&!T. He is BLACK. But that’s about it. I know he wants CHANGE, but he has not said S$!T. Wait he will withdraw from Iraq. What an A$$.
John McCain
Dude where to start? Yes he was a POW, but I think they got to his brain. Not been the brightest light in the package of late. The green things have got him and he is lost.
Life sucks then you die, get over it…………..
I hate pollen
I like Bud Light
I hate feeling old
Sunshine makes me smile
The green things are out to get me
Sir Bob is an ass
Puppy is a pain
I worry about Global Warming, NOT
And last but not least, a day off does you good when you don’t have to do a DAM THING
Thanks Sunshine